Qualified Referees are an integral part of both Snooker & Billiards. They provide an extremely valuable contribution by way of their commitment, dedication and professionalism - whether by officiating at local Club Championships or at Regional, State, National and International level.
Qualified Referees in Australia fall under the governing authority of the Australian Billiards & Snooker Referees Committee (ABSR) – a committee of the Australian Billiards & Snooker Council (ABSC) absc.com.au which is the organisation recognised by government and the majority of playing participants as the peak body for the sport of Snooker & Billiards in Australia.
Prospective referees are required to undergo an accreditation process which will involve an in-depth explanation of all the rules as well as the referee's role and responsibilities. This will also include practical sessions on correct deportment, procedures and techniques that are essential to the art of refereeing. The process concludes with an oral examination.
The International Billiards & Snooker Federation (IBSF) www.ibsf.info recognises the ABSC and the opportunity therefore exists for suitably experienced candidates to practice their refereeing skills overseas. Accreditation as a Qualified Referee in Australia provides the first step in eligibility to officiate overseas and at International Level.
Whilst the main aim is to have sufficient Qualified Referees available for tournament conditions, refereeing is also a rewarding, social and enjoyable experience. The referee undoubtedly has the best position in the room, where the opportunity to witness leading players recording century breaks is possible.
There is a strong camaraderie between referees throughout Australia and we hope your interest in Snooker & Billiards will lead you into becoming part of that family.
For more information or clarification of any aspect please contact us at admin@snookercc.com

Issued by Direction of the Board of Snooker & Billiards Central Coast
Dated: 1st January 2018